If you’ve ever been told your blood sugar, cholesterol or glucose levels are too high…
Do NOT start an intense diet or exercise plan.
Scientists at prestigious Osaka University in Japan now say your blood sugar has nothing to do with your weight, what you’re eating, or anything else your doctor may have told you.
In fact…The #1 cause of blood sugar issues for women over 40 is erratic estrogen levels.
See…During menopause, your estrogen levels fluctuate wildly — bouncing up and down like a rubber ball.…
Which is a big problem for your blood sugar and glucose levels…
Because when your estrogen levels bounce around… so do your insulin levels.
Causing your blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure to skyrocket.
Which is the real reason you feel nauseous, irritated, and have almost no energy for thought or movement.
That’s why we spent months in the GleeFull lab…
Formulating the world's first estrogen balancing solution, specifically designed to control glucose levels in women over 40.
It all comes down to one hormone-balancing fruit that has been used in ancient Asian medicine for centuries…